OUR community
One of the Queen City’s most harmonious neighborhoods, Spring Grove Village features a diverse populace and is one of Cincinnati's safest communities. Just under two square miles, SGV is home to around 2,600 households of all walks of race, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Nestled in the Mill Creek Valley surrounded by Clifton, Northside, College Hill, Winton Hills, and St. Bernard, SGV is perfectly located near the University of Cincinnati, Proctor and Gamble facilities, as well as downtown Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Spring Grove Village is also within Cincinnati Public Schools, and our neighbors enjoy many options for elementary schools and high schools, both public and private.
Asking residents of SGV what they love about living here solicits answers just as diverse as its people: proximity to downtown, good school choices, convenience, affordability, availability of green spaces, great neighbors, proximity to restaurants, services, nightlife, and the highway. In addition, SGV has a number of neighborhood services, councils and committees that residents can get involved with to make a difference in their community. Scroll down below to learn more about the services provided in our neighborhood. Also check out our useful links page for additional services.
Village Development Corporation
Since its founding in 1981, the Village Development Corporation has been dedicated to the preservation and improvement of the Spring Grove Village community. This is accomplished primarily by rehabbing deteriorated houses and thus, providing completely refurbished yet affordable homes, promoting the development of home ownership, and by promoting economic development in our small business district. The VDC strongly believes that home ownership is one of the best ways to get individuals to invest in the interests of not only their own property but also in the well-being, growth, and prosperity of the community that they have chosen to call home.
Winton Place Youth Center
Since 1983, Winton Place Youth Center has been a safe place, serving children who reside or attend school in the area. Children, ages 5-15, benefit from their after-school program, as well as special weekend and summer programming.
Community Council
Spring Grove Village Community Council is a citizen-led organization that looks after the well-being of the neighborhood. We serve that mission by hosting monthly general meetings as well as committees. Our stated function is to promote the general welfare of the residents of Spring Grove Village by providing a forum for the exchange of interest and concerns of the residents (includes those who live, own land, or own a business in Spring Grove Village) of the neighborhood.
We also help to educate neighborhood residents on methods for improving the neighborhood (physically and economically and socially).
Spring Grove Village 2.0
In the fall of 2018, Spring Grove Village will begin a formal process, with the City, to prepare a forward-looking neighborhood plan – a plan to guide the future development of our neighborhood. First, as a community, we want to be ready by getting clear about who we are and what we value – our identity. Most importantly, this process must include all of us and will therefore mean more engagement – with those who live here and those who school, worship, work or shop here. This expanded engagement, we’re calling it SGV 2.0, will be our focus for the coming months.
Village Works
Village Works was formed in 2003 to provide for community organizing in the neighborhood. We chose to focus on building social capital.
We began with 3 goals:
1) get to know your neighbor
2) start conversations about our future, and
3) create a SGV vision and action plan
This initial, and ongoing, work has been to bring together folks throughout the neighborhood for community picnics and summer social events, and to develop a strong and friendly neighborhood. We hope to offer other events throughout the year to bring people together.